Sustainability assessments and score to all companies worldwide

Synesgy is the global digital platform for ESG sustainability assessment within the supply chain.

Choose your path to a sustainable economy

Sustainability is revolutionising companies, don't get left behind: Synesgy helps you to know your level of sustainability and provides a useful assessment to be accredited in the marketplace.

The path to sustainability is no longer optional: through a thorough self-assessment and a carefully crafted action plan, Synesgy helps you gain a deeper understanding of how to enhance your ESG sustainability practices.

Ikona Liść

Assess the ESG level in your company

Ikona Wykrzyknik

Evaluate your strengths and areas where corrective actions are needed

Ikona Firma

Confirm your ESG level through your business partners

Ikona Nagroda

Obtain a Synesgy certificate confirming your commitment to ESG

Ikona Głośnik

Let others know how sustainable your company is

The Synesgy methodology aligns with widely accepted international sustainability standards, such as:

  • Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
  • Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP)
  • EU Taxonomy
  • GHG Protocol

It has been developed by the CRIF Group's Rating Agency, which operates under the supervision of ESMA and has been incorporating ESG factors into the assessment of non-financial issuers from the European Union for many years.

We are a member of the UN Global Compact and the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI).