First step towards #ESG

Choose your path to a sustainable economy

Synesgy is a global platform enabling companies to gather and manage information on sustainable development through ESG self-assessment, as well as by assessing their entire value chain

  • Is the topic of ESG new to you?
  • Have you conducted a sustainability impact analysis of your company?
  • Are you tired of repeatedly filling out questionnaires on your company’s ESG commitment to different partners?
  • Are you looking for a solution to effectively and simply present your company’s full ESG assessment to all stakeholders?
  • Do your business partners ask you about your ESG strategy, carbon footprint or your commitment to social issues?
  • Do you need a certificate to prove to clients and partners the authenticity of your commitment to ESG issues?
  • Do you need to make an ESG assessment of your company quickly with limited human and financial resources?

If the answer is YES, start the process of self-assessing your company, in 3 simple steps learning about its current place on the sustainability path.

Investigate and obtain an assessment of your level of sustainability. Complete a questionnaire that will result in: a certificate | ESG score | corrective action plan.

Self-assessment #ESG – STEP BY STEP

  • Fill in the form and create an account on the platform
  • Read through the questionnaire, collect the necessary data and then complete it
  • Save and send – CONGRATULATIONS: your evaluation questionnaire and certificate are now available in your account.

What do you gain?

  • A score (ESG Score) of your sustainability level prepared by a rating agency
  • A certificate confirming your rating, valid for 12 months
  • A list of suggestions on what to do to improve your ESG score
  • Visibility of your company’s sustainability performance with Synesgy Platform partners
  • Access to the full assessment form, downloadable and available to your partners
  • Support from your local customer service office
  • Another competitive advantage – a sustainable company.

The ESG assessment is the start of your sustainability journey, with Synesgy you will plan your next steps and keep track of your progress and build your company’s sustainability strategy.


The survey will calculate, among other things, your company’s carbon footprint and commitment in 3 scopes: environmental, social responsibility and corporate governance

  • Is your company subject to NFRD, CSRD, EU Taxonomies and soon CSDD and you need to collect data on your value chain?
  • Are you from procurement and looking for a tool to implement transparent policies and assess sustainable procurement?
  • Do you need to quickly and comprehensively collect ESG data on your customers and partners to include in your risk policies?
  • You have long and diverse value chains, are you looking for a tool that will allow you to monitor each of your partners in every industry and around the world?
  • Need to identify material ESG impacts, risks and opportunities across your value chain?
  • Would you like to help your business partners understand the nature of ESG issues, educate them and build sustainable value chains?

If the answer is YES, start assessing your partners’ engagement with ESG issues.

Engage your entire value chain. Assess the ESG level of your partner and supplier chain using a global monitoring system.

Monitoring the supply chain – STEP BY STEP

  • Contact us
  • Sign a cooperation agreement with CRIF
  • Invite your business partners to the Synesgy platform
  • Monitor and analyse how more companies register on Synesgy and assess their level of sustainability. Find out how, indirectly through your value chain, your company influences sustainability.

What do you gain?

  • Free tool as a service available 24/7
  • Standardised assessment format for each partner regardless of size and location
  • Compatibility of the assessment with global ESG reporting standards such as GRI, SGD or the EU Taxonomy.
  • Access to all your partner data
  • Independent ESG assessment of your partners certified by the rating agency CRIF Ratings
  • A ready-made tool to support your business partners in educating themselves and getting on the road to sustainability.


Invite your partners to self-certify and see how your partners are implementing a sustainability strategy in their business.